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Image by Hulki Okan Tabak

What people are saying...

Rebecca K.

I loved my coaching sessions with Abigail and looked forward to them each week. The primary word I would use to describe her work is "validating" -- even though she was the coach, I felt a lot of autonomy in what we did, like I had the power to make the right decisions, and that the ability to do so was in me the entire time. She also responds well if a certain tactic may or may not be working for you; there was no ego about it, just a lot of great work. I'd love to go back to her, especially when I'm really experiencing a creative block.



Image by Jen Theodore
Aspen E.

I received a tarot card reading from Abigail which brought me so much comfort and resonated so much for my situation. She reads with such honesty and truth, sharing what you need to hear and delivering the message with respect. I would recommend her to anyone seeking out tarot services who want *real* insight and guidance.



Organized Desk
Helena W.

Go see her!! Abigail is very thorough and insightful. In one session, we were able to organize my thoughts and put them into a list of actionable items that helped me begin working towards a big goal I have. She's an artist herself so she was really able to offer helpful perspective that actually led towards real results in my career. She's kind, punctual, and ORGANIZED! Will absolutely be a repeat client.



Helping hustling artists slow down and tune into the spirituality of their creativity

Life and Spiritual Coaching for Performers and Writers

Contact me for a 30-minute complimentary session today!

Abigail performing at a Trap Cat Collective release party

As a performer, composer, writer, and music teacher, I know what it’s like to do the ‘hustle.’ It feels like…

I'm overwhelmed and exhausted all the time.

Everyone asks when I’ll get a “real” job.

I love too many things. I can’t decide what to do with my life. 

I’m doing my best and I still can’t get out of survival mode. 

I’m just not good enough.

I can’t work any harder on my career or I’ll collapse (or already have).

My industry feels impossible and all I can do is hope for a big break.

Everyone thinks I’m lazy and don’t want to work because they don’t see how my passions could be a realistic career.

But I kept pushing and pushing.
Then it started to feel like...

When I actually take a day off, I just feel more exhausted and overwhelmed.

My passions mean the world to me but it just doesn’t pay the bills.

I find myself counting the cost of giving up on my dreams. 

I’m sick of hopping job to job and never finding something that feels rewarding.

My body hurts and I’ve tried everything.

They say it’s stress but… how do I eliminate stress?

Maybe even...

I want to connect to a bigger picture but don’t like the “man in the sky” stories.

I wish I had something to believe in like religious people.

I want to believe in a higher power but nothing I’ve heard makes any sense to me. 

Sometimes all this hard work feels pointless.

Here's the thing.

It is possible to do what you love and not be dragged down by the hustle. 

“Work hard” can become “work smart.”

My world completely changed from panic disorders and chronic pain to rejuvenated creativity and unique ways to integrate my many passions.

I want to help more people - like you - experience this personal growth!


My favorite part of coaching is holding space for clients to realize that they already have the tools and knowledge to reach their dreams. I help illuminate the blocks, obstacles, and limiting beliefs that convince you that you aren’t the fabulous, creative badass that you are.


Creativity comes from our spiritual connection so my goal is to help you determine your unique version of spirituality (God, gods, or none), teach you tools to use it as an anchor, and transform your life into something that aligns with you - not somebody else - but YOU.

Abigail performing in a musical


Coach and Client talking over a table

Life Coaching

Getting lost in the hustle doesn’t have to be your story. As a certified life coach, I can help you identify and work through blocks, obstacles, and limiting beliefs. This can include creative blocks, intimidation around business and marketing, and changing direction. Heart-centered success is designed by YOU and, in our session, that’s the only opinion that matters.

A hand reaching into nature under the warm sunlight

Spiritual Coaching

The term “religion” hits a lot of people the wrong way. It can come from feeling disconnected from your upbringing, trauma from institutional experiences, being outcast for not fitting the mold, or just never being exposed to a belief system that made sense to you. Wherever you are in that journey, I help you evaluate your values and discover a sense of spirituality custom-made to YOU.

A proscenium theater space and empty audience

Artistry & Creativity

With 10 years of experience in the theater and music industries, I understand the nuances of hustling for your passions when others don’t believe it’s possible. Together, we can determine business and mindset tools that help you build your confidence and show the world your incredible creations.

Giving reiki to a female client

Reiki Energy Healing

Some call it God, Spirit, Life Force, Love, Energy… Reiki is a healing technique for assessing and addressing your energetic body. From this perspective, I can assist your energy in flowing with more ease, especially with stagnant or blocked chakras (energy centers throughout the body). This can be done independently or incorporated for more thorough coaching sessions. 

tarot cards (the empress card)

I believe the future is malleable. Therefore, my readings aren’t about predicting your future but, instead, helping you expand your perspective, recognize and articulate your blocks, and decide empowering ways to move forward.

crescent moon

Lunar Cycles

The solar and lunar cycles tell us a lot about our natural cycles in life. I believe that our life chapters are like the seasons (yes, all four of them). I am happy to include spiritual tools to bring the spiritual or natural into the practical by guiding you through these cycles with reflection. 

Intuitive Tarot Reading

Countryside Road

Ready to get started on your spiritual journey?

Let's dance.

Asking for help can be intimidating but wanting to grow is a sign of STRENGTH. Click the button in Step 3 to schedule a 30-minute complimentary session to test out if we are good dancing (I mean, coaching) partners.

Tell me more, tell me more.

If we are a good match, the next step is scheduling our first session and filling out the necessary intake forms. I’ll also give you a couple questions/prompts to think about in preparation for our Discovery (first full) Session.

Let the growth begin!

We’ll discuss what combination of services you may want (all included in a coaching package) and get started making your life one of alignment, joy, and creativity.

What would life be like to do what you love and make a living doing it?

What else could you do if you had more energy and vitality?

What would your career be like if you believed in your badassery like I do?

Ready to take the stage?

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Serving Chicago and surrounding areas, as well as virtual Coaching, Reiki, and Tarot worldwide.

©2022 by Tune In Coaching & Healing

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I specialize in working with performers and writers who are struggling to have a sustainable lifestyle while building their creative career(s). We’ll use spirituality and creativity to find alignment designed around you.

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